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How to choose the capacity of freeze dryer

Freeze dryers are generally divided into three types, namely laboratory series, pilot and small-scale production series and industrial production series. There are models of different sizes in each series. So, how to choose the capacity of freeze dryer?

freeze dryer 

The laboratory freeze dryer is mainly used for scientific research. Its freeze-drying capacity is very small, and the freezing amount of the condenser is less than 10 kg per batch, with the plate area of the freezer less than 0.5 square meters. The freeze-drying chamber of some laboratory freeze dryers is of the bell-jar or multi-manifold type. Laboratory lyophilizer is small in size and is available in desktop and vertical types.

vacuum freeze dryer 

Pilot freeze dryer and small-scale production freeze dryer are used for the scale-up trials and small-scale production. The freezing amount of the condenser is between 10-40 kg per batch, with the plate area of the freezer is between 0.5-2 square meters. There are two types of pilot freeze dryers, one adopts a heating system that uses electric heating as the heating medium, and the other adopts a heating system that uses silicone oil as the heating medium.

pilot freeze dryer 

Industrial freeze dryer is used for industrial mass production. The freezing amount of the condenser is between 40-1600 kg per batch, and the plate area of the freeze-drying chamber is between 3-80 square meters. Industrial lyophilizers are relatively expensive to manufacture and use, and are generally used by large enterprises.

industrial freeze dryer


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