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How to choose a pilot freeze dryer

Vacuum freeze dryer, also called freeze dryer for short, is divided into laboratory freeze dryer, pilot freeze dryer and production freeze dryer. There are two types of pilot freeze dryer. One has a heating system that uses electric heating as the heating medium, and the other has a system that uses silicone oil as the heating medium.

 pilot freeze dryer

The shelf cooling of the electric heating freeze dryer comes directly from the evaporation end of the compressor. The cooling is rapid and the temperature is low. During the heating process, due to the rapid cooling, there is a conflict between cooling and heating, resulting in uneven temperature control and a large temperature error. Electric heating heats up quickly, causing sudden cooling and heating, which generally causes melting or collapse of temperature-sensitive materials. Generally, it is recommended not to use an electric heating freeze dryer for temperature-sensitive materials.


Silicone oil freeze dryer has better performance compared with electric heating freeze dryer. The freeze dryer with silicone oil as the medium is very reliable in cooling and heating. The temperature can be controlled within 1℃ without causing damage to the material. The freeze dryer with silicone oil as the heat transfer medium is a better choice.


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